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Massage + Yoga

Combine The Stress Relieving & Grounding Effects of Restorative Yoga With The Therapeutic Benefits of Massage For The Upmost Relaxing & Personalized Mind-Body Experience



Enjoy a total body swedish relaxation massage with the calming effects of a fully supported restorative yoga practice.

This personalized experience is tailor made to support your short term and long term mind & body relaxation goals.

Effects of this practice:

  • Decreased heart & respiratory rate, and blood pressure.

  • Disconnection from the frenetic activity of daily life.

  • Surrender to and melt away any intense feelings of pain, loss, sadness and frustration.

What to expect:

  • Each yoga pose is hand selected to increase your flexibility, decrease body tension, and to turn off your mind. 

  • Each pose is held for a minimum of five minutes with the client fully supported with the use of yoga props (strap, bolster, pillow & blocks) to turn off the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest).


Learn to appreciate & understand your body, your past, and present. This session combines the healing properties of therapeutic massage with the soothing effects of a fully supported restorative yoga practice.

Each session it completely personalized to support your short term and long term mind & body therapeutic goals.

Effects of this practice:

  • Reduce lactic acid and metabolite accumulation in cells, tissues, muscles and organs.

  • Flush and restore the immune cells of the lymphatic system.

  • Stretch & increase range of motion to traditionally challenging to treat deep muscles (ie. piriformis, psoas, adductor longus & magnus, gluteus minimums, rectus abdominis, and the internal obliques).

What to expect:

  • Restorative yoga inversions, spinal twists and spinal extension poses are hand selected to reduce muscle inflammation, mobilize stagnate / pooling lymphatic fluid and encourages interstitial and intercellular fluid circulation.

  • Each pose is held for a minimum of eight minutes with the client fully supported with the use of yoga props (strap, bolster, pillow & blocks).

Share The Gift Of Mental Peace

Invite a loved one, family member, friend or significant other to the yoga portion of your session at no additional cost. 

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